与 NETGEAR 监控专用交换机亲密接触
选择德才兼备的 PoE 交换机
NETGEAR 交换机助力聊城第二人民医院智能监控建设
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编号:30341 来自:NetGear 更新日期:2023-05-18 访问数量:5284
通过 WEB 界面配置
二、通过 CLI 界面配置
(M4300-28G-PoE+) #configure (M4300-28G-PoE+) (Config)#save //保存配置 This operation may take a few minutes. Management interfaces will not be available during this time. Are you sure you want to save? (y/n) //输入y确认保存配置,输入n取消操作
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